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Rubber compounds

Polymer additives enhance the performance of thermoplastics , coatings and rubber compounds, providing critical features such as better extrudability in processing and, for end-users, excellent flame retardancy, improved rheology, protection against dynamic fatigue and more consistent fibre and halogen dispersion for a wide range of applications.

The SIDISTAR™ ball bearing effect has a clear advantages for both cured as well as uncured compounds. Significant improvements in mixing energy and efficiency are observed. There are cases where the number of mixing cycles could be reduced from 3 passes into just 2 passes with improved homogeneity of the final compound.

SIDISTAR™ product for rubber compounds:


SIDISTAR™ R300 is a specially designed grey-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ R320 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ R320U is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ M220ST01 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ XP320ST69 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of surface modified spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ Master-Batch series are designed to provide you with easy dispersibility of Sidistar® in thermoplastics. Sidistar® MB F21 contains 50 % of SIDISTAR™ T120U in an ethylene acrylate carrier.
Product data sheet

Improving rheology and processing: smoother surfaces, reduced frictions

Traditional process aids/lubricants are surface active substances that reduce the interfacial tension between surfaces– this often leads to softening of the compound and reduction of physical properties, thermal ageing and oil/chemical resistance. Our alternative is “the SIDISTAR™-way”,- using spherical particles, which reduce friction by minimizing the contact area between surfaces. - When the particles are small enough, like the 150 nm particles of SIDISTAR™ product, only limited effects on properties can be expected.

Our product SIDISTAR™ offers improved processing and surface finish. These effects can be obtained both in rubbers as well as in thermoplastic compounds. Our customers use these properties in applications like cable compounds, flame retardant compounds, , conveyor belts as well as printer rolls etc.

The SIDISTAR™ “ball bearing effect” has a clear advantages for both cured as well as uncured compounds. Significant improvements in mixing energy and efficiency are observed. There are cases where the number of mixing cycles could be reduced from 3 passes into just 2 passes with improved homogeneity of the final compound.

Lowering rolling resistance without impacting abrasion

The influence of silica surface properties on physical performance of tire tread compounds

Improving dynamic fatigue

When adding SIDISTAR™ additive to an elastomeric compound, one can achieve improvement of dynamic fatigue life up to 30 – 50 %. These results can be obtained in a wide range of elastomers like NR, EPDM, BIIR and even FKM. The fatigue improvement finds its origin in the spherical shape and capability of dispersing down to primary particles. SIDISTAR™ product primary particles have a mean particle size of 150 nm. The most commonly used SIDISTAR™ dosage, for these fatigue life improvements, lays in the range of 10 – 15 phr. There is little to no influence observed for physical properties and hardness of the final product.
Today our product SIDISTAR™ is mainly used for its fatigue enhancing properties in applications like: anti-vibration pads, bushings and power transmission belts.


Example of a flame retardency
Example of a flame retardency

Improving flame retardancy

Whether you work with a flame retardant system that relies on halogenated flame retardant additives, or prefer halogen free flame retardant systems, the SIDISTAR™ additives can help you finding improved solutions.

Our product SIDISTAR™ acts as a synergist together with primary flame retardant materials. The improvements are a result of its morphology allowing char integrity improvement.



Halogen Free FR rubber

SIDISTAR™ additive shows strong synergistic effects in combination with MDH (Mg(OH)2 and ATH (Aluminium hydroxide tri hydrate) by improving its char forming properties. Also significant processing properties (extrudability) will be obtained.

Halogenated FR systems

Improving costs and performance

In halogenated systems like CR rubber or compounds extended with halogenated additives (like Chloro parafines), very often we find ATO (Antimony Trioxide). SIDISTAR™ product has the capability of replacing 50 % of the ATO without any loss of FR properties or physical properties and extensive economic benefits.

Our product SIDISTAR™ is classified as a non-hazardous material.


Improving fibre dispersion for faster processing

Sidistar primary particles microscope
Sidistar primary particles

Incorporation of fibres into polymeric compounds can be a challenge. The structure of the fibres can make the "wetting" of these fibres, by the compound, quite difficult, as fibres often remain floating on top of the compound and take a
long time to incorporate.

By dry-blending fibres with SIDISTAR™ product the incorporation is made a lot easier and at the same time the spherical particles give a “ball bearing” functionality, improving the process ability of the final compound. This results in faster mixing, better anisotropic behavior, improved process ability and improved product surface finish.


Improving special FKM compounds

Coloured rubber on bike tire
Coloured rubber on bike tire

FKM elastomers are a special case in the rubber world. Unlike other rubber compounds, SIDISTAR™ additive - with its very low specific surface of 20-30 m2/g- acts as a reinforcing filler for FKM elastomers.

Our product SIDISTAR™ is capable of replacing N990 on a 1:1 basis. Physical properties will remain very similar, dynamic fatigue properties will improve. Since SIDISTAR™ additive also has grades with an off-white colour, it allows to produce coloured FKM compounds without compromises on physical properties.


Polymer additives: maintaining Elkem’s leadership through sustainable technology

Polymer additives and rubber product formulations are constantly evolving, driven by a need for greater energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness and sustainability requirements, including longer lifecycles and recyclability.

Sustainability at Elkem

To learn more about our sustainability initiatives, check our webpage.


More about polymer additives applications

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